What Howrse Horse Breed Are You?

This quiz is about Howrse.co.uk - My beloved computer game. It may have a few mistakes, sorry! You have to be a genius to complete the quiz, though!(sorry)!...

Do you think you have brainpower to complete this quiz? If you do, you will become a... GENIUS!! That would be amazing, wouldn't it? Well, I just hope you get on with my quiz, and good luck!

Created by: Bramble10
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What's your Favorite Horse Breed?(Out of these?)
  2. Your Friend has invited you over to his/her house for their birthday, you havn't missed a single birthday of his/hers, but you have a riding exam you have to take, do you...
  3. Whats your fave colour?
  4. Are you bored yet?
  5. What suits you best?
  6. What TV programme do you watch?
  7. (No effect) Are you on Howrse.co.uk?
  8. Whats your fave animal(out of these?)
  9. (No effect)Can you congradulate Bramble10 if you're on Howrse.co.uk?
  10. Ok, this is the final question... Whats your favorite food?
  11. Joking, that wasnt the last question lol, bored yet?
  12. Final question(I mean it) Fave music?

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Quiz topic: What Howrse Horse Breed am I?