What Hogwarts house do you you belong to?

Hi!So really it's the normal.....but if you haven't seen one of my quizzes it normally starts with hi and ends with enjoy and have fun...but I guess their all different..

Anyway so I'm pretty much just putting in what I can think of so um good luck hope you enjoy and yeah I guess that's all I think...Yep thats all so let's get on with it!

Created by: Ginnyprincess
  1. Whtats your main trait?
  2. What's your favourite way to spend free time?
  3. Do you like to get homework?(I can sort of guess😄)
  4. Voldemort or Dumbledore?
  5. What do you fear?
  6. Do you want to fall in love??
  7. Do you want to rule the world?
  8. If you DID rule the world what would you do first?
  9. What's your fav colour?
  10. And last of all... Did you enjoy??(won't effect your answer)

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Quiz topic: What Hogwarts house do I you belong to?