What hogwarts house are you

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This wasn't really important I just wanted people to know what hogwarts house you are I was pretty shire slot of people would enjoy seeing this and I hope you share it with all your friends

What hogwarts house are you was just a quize I got as an idea in my head and hoped people were wondering the same thing and I hope everyone enjoyed this.

Created by: Jillian
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. You drop 100 dollars and a kid quickly takes it you grab him. How do you ask why he took it?
  2. witch out of thrash would be you Petronas?
  3. Let's say you were a muggle what type would you be
  4. What do you want for Christmas
  5. What kind of chocolate do you eat
  6. How do you feel
  7. How do you feel about homework
  8. Do you want a cookie
  9. How do your friends see you
  10. Are you in a relationship

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Quiz topic: What hogwarts house am I