What frozen character are you?

Here you will find out what frozen character you are best of luck all let’s hope you get the character you want it’s out of Hans Elsa Kristoff Olaf and anna

Frozen is a Disney film that was a big hit this quiz is based on frozen and frozen 2 and the other frozen shorts like frozen fever once upon a snowman Olaf’s frozen adventure and more

Created by: Israel
  1. What means the most to you ? Love, family, heat, sled power and control
  2. What is your favourite colour?
  3. What season would you prefer??
  4. Pick a snack
  5. Do u like animals
  6. Do you like to adventure
  7. Would you keep a secret from family
  8. Do you like to ice skate
  9. Are you good at family games
  10. Are you scared to be exposed

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Quiz topic: What frozen character am I?
