What Fortnite skin are you?

This quiz is for the people who are curios to what their Fortnite skin would be from a different perspective. This quiz is not 100% accurate so don't get upset if you are not happy with your result.

This quiz is for fun and good vibes only! Have fun with the quiz, leave a like, And share this with your friends to see their results too! : ) Good luck!

Created by: Mary Walsh
  1. You see an enemy looting a building near you. What do you do?
  2. If you had all the following skins, which would you use?
  3. How many kills on average do you get per game.
  4. What kills you most often.
  5. When do you usually jump out of the bus?
  6. How often do you play Fortnite?
  7. Do you play Fortnite with your friends?
  8. When you do play, how long do you play for?
  9. Do your parents let you play Fortnite? Or is it too violent?
  10. Do you enjoy playing Fortnite?

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Quiz topic: What Fortnite skin am I?
