What female book character are you

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Are you a book lover? Are you dieing to know what book character you are? here are some characters that might fit your personality. This is for book lovers only

Are you Maximum Ride, Tris Prior, or Katniss Everdeen. Who are you most like in just a few minutes you will find out. Please comment at the end feedback is always appreciated

Created by: Maximum ride
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What are you most worried about
  2. How would you die
  3. What is your weapon of choice
  4. You are training in the military how do you act
  5. What is the place you call home
  6. What is your favorite thing to do
  7. Sarcasm what do you think of it
  8. What's your favorite animal
  9. What's your favorite color please don't kill me
  10. Did you like the quiz
  11. Bye Sorry if you get Katniss it's a pic of president snow

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Quiz topic: What female book character am I