What DSMP Character Are You?

Want to know which character you are from the DSMP? There you go! Its a great quiz , i think , hope you enjoy!! dont forget to rate this quiz!! have a great day!!

i was bored and made this. THIS IS NOT AS ACCURATE AS YOURE THINKING DUDE. But this is what ive got after carefully studying the dsmp, enjoyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!

Created by: DO YOU CARE?
  1. Whats your favorite color?
  2. What type of person you are in your friend group?
  3. What is the best food in MC?
  4. What is your favorite MC tool?
  5. You god at PVP?
  6. You an introvert or an extrovert?
  8. You ship DNF?
  9. Which superpower youd like to get?
  10. so, the last question

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Quiz topic: What DSMP Character am I?
