What Dragonet of Destiny are You?

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Ever wondered what Dragonet of Destiny you are? Are you kind like Clay, brave like Tsunami, funny like Glory, clever like Starflight or positive like Sunny?

The Dragonets of Destiny are awesome, take this quiz to be awesome too! The first arc is great, will you be in the next prophecy? What dragon is more relatable?

Created by: Sundrop
  1. What's your favourite colour?
  2. What's your favourite food?
  3. What's your favourite subject?
  4. What's your favourite tribe?
  5. What's your favourite WOF book?
  6. First arc or second arc?
  7. Favourite character out of....
  8. Favourite queen?
  9. Favourite power?
  10. Favourite powerful dragon?

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Quiz topic: What Dragonet of Destiny am I?
