What do you know about Ethiopia?

Does anybody know about Ethiopia? Or what that even means? There are 1000s of people in the planet who are ignorant of this beautiful country in — oh I shouldn't do that, its one of the questions lol :)

Anyway this quiz is a fun trivia quiz that tests your knowledge on Ethiopia and her history. Although I collected the information firsthand from some of my Ethiopian friends, if I said something to offend anyone, I'm really really sorry, it was accidental.

  1. Which continent is Ethiopia in?[ Ya I know this is easy but let's start slow ]
  2. What is the meaning of Ethiopia / What language did it come from?
  3. What type of food is Ethiopia famous for?
  4. What is the name of Ethiopia Airlines?
  5. What is a name used to describe Ethiopian citizens?[ Super hard one ]
  6. What is the language Ethiopians speak?[ Usually spoken / main ]
  7. What color skin do ( usually ) Ethiopians have?
  8. Ethiopia had a big war in 1895 with?
  9. Ethiopia had a 2nd war with same country. Who won?
  10. What is the name of the big Nile dam built in Ethiopia in 2014?
  11. Lastly, a really hard one: According to Greek mythology, an Ethiopian King / Prince aided Troy during the Trojan war. What was the Prince's name?

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Quiz topic: What do I know about Ethiopia?

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