What cupcake are you

What type of cupcake are you? Join the WIA (inside joke) for this fabulous quiz!!! Everyone has a diffrent taste, flavour and brand,but what is yours?

I made this quiz with my friends for fun because we love cupcakes, If you want check out other food quizzes! Please post/comment your results so I can take them in for improvement. Thanxs

Created by: Dave is very awesome!
  1. what type of sauce do you like with your icecream?
  2. what is your favourite colour of a muffin
  3. do you know what is a tv?
  4. is cabbage smelly?
  5. do you know what anime is?
  6. is this question weird?
  7. where is the olympics being hosted on the year 2012 (or now)?
  8. are you srong?
  9. is your mom boring
  10. what do you do if you see a zombie?

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Quiz topic: What cupcake am I