What colour are you?

Do you ever wonder what colour are you? Well I can give you an answer to that. At the end of this quiz you will receive four possible answers which are yellow, red, blue and rainbow.

I hope you enjoy this quiz because I put in a lot of effort into this and I hope that you except your answer. By the way this is just for fun and don’t take it seriously.

Created by: Ange
  1. If it is raining outside what do you do?
  2. Would you like to have a swim?
  3. If you were accidentally late for school/work what would you say?
  4. Do you like the beach?
  5. What about an ice-cream
  6. Where would you like to live?
  7. By the way what is your favourite colour?
  8. What is the first letter of your name?
  9. What is your least favourite colour?
  10. Did you enjoy this quiz?

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Quiz topic: What colour am I?
