What color yoshi are you?

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Hello. Have you wondered what color you would be if you were a yoshi? I mean, literally, have you thought about it? If you want to know, take this quiz and find out the results.

This quiz is not something to be taken lightly. It is kind of hard to get the result you want, so don't try. If you want to do so, be warned it is hard.

Created by: RainbowYoshi
  1. What is your favorite color?
  2. Are you a social person?
  3. What would you want to do on weekends if you had the choice?
  4. What would you eat?
  5. What would your house look like?
  6. How would you describe your personality?
  7. What is your favorite season?
  8. What is your favorite hobby to do?
  9. What is your main emotion?
  10. Let's just say you got a million dollars, what would you do with it?
  11. Let's just say you saw someone being bullied. You don't know either of them. What would you do?

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Quiz topic: What color yoshi am I?
