What Color Represents Your Mood Right Now?

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What color represents your mood right now? Are you happy, mad, lovestruck, or hyper? choose from those and more with this great quiz!

What color will you get? There are many choices! Get a color of the rainbow or more! I hope you like the quiz and comment what you get! :)

Created by: wolf_heart

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Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. Pick your favorite color out of these: (continued on next question)
  2. Pick your favorite color out of these: (part two)
  3. What was the last grade you got?
  4. What's your mood? (Continued on next question)
  5. What's your mood?
  6. When was the last time you got in a fight
  7. Have you recently found love or a crush?
  8. Have you come up with any interesting ideas lately?
  9. Are you calm right now
  10. When was the last time you were happy?
  11. Are you in a good or bad mood right now?
  12. What color do you think you'll get? (Continued on next question)
  13. Which color do you think you'll get? (Continued)
  14. Pick an emoticon:
  15. Did you like this quiz? (Does affect)
  16. Do you get good grades?
  17. Well bye! Comment what you get! :)

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Quiz topic: What Color Represents my Mood Right Now?