What Color Cat are You

Cats are taking the world by storm! They're cute, famous, and can speak in broken English. A lot of American households own at least one of these amazing felines

Have you ever watched your cat rolling in catnip, or seen a stray cat lurking in your neighborhood? Do you want to be a cat? If so, do you wonder what fur color you would have?

Created by: kaitlyn
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Ok, annoying, but favorite color?
  2. You've just been born. You want to be treated like...
  3. Your eyes and ears have opened. What are your surroundings?
  4. Mom is leaving for a vet appointment. Where are you?
  5. Pick an ideal place for a catnap.
  6. Favorite food? (As a cat.)
  7. How do you spend the weekend?
  8. Do you read Warriors?
  9. Pick a smiley!
  10. Do you like cats?
  11. Ok, did you like this? (Will not affect answer.)

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Quiz topic: What Color Cat am I