What cleb are you?

rant blah blah gobble idk bout this crap...rant blah blah gobble idk bout this crap...rant blah blah gobble idk bout this crap...rant blah blah gobble idk bout this crap...rant blah blah gobble idk bout this crap...rant blah blah gobble idk bout this crap...rant blah blah gobble idk bout this crap...rant blah blah gobble idk bout this crap...rant blah blah gobble idk bout this crap...rant blah blah gobble idk bout this crap...

y r u looking at this just find out what cleb u r go on do it do it... no not that do it pervert just click already....y r u looking at this just find out what cleb u r go on do it do it... no not that do it pervert just click already....y r u looking at this just find out what cleb u r go on do it do it... no not that do it pervert just click already....y r u looking at this just find out what cleb u r go on do it do it... no not that do it pervert just click already....y r u looking at this just find out what cleb u r go on do it do it... no not that do it pervert just click already....

Created by: alexis
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. you are going out to a dance so you ware...
  2. you hear that they are tearing down the animal shelter and the animals have no place to go so you....
  3. you see a sign for a lanshuay party you...
  4. you have 10 fish 5 die and 3 come back to life how many fishys do u have?
  5. answer to the previous question FISH DON'T DROWN!
  6. i love you you love me lets get to gether and.... (finish the rest.)
  7. what would u do if i told you i was gay?
  8. good bye
  9. jk
  10. frog

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Quiz topic: What cleb am I?