What Chinese God/Goddess Are You

What ancient Chinese god/goddess are you most like? I have carefully engineered each of the questions to resemble the traits of some of Ancient China's most famous deities.

Dont worry about your lack of knowledge on ancient Chinese mythology, the questions are all based on your personal preferences and opinions. There is a total of 12 questions.

Created by: Mr.Michna

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Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. From the choices below, what is your favorite color?
  2. What animal do you like best from the choices below?
  3. From the choices below, what would you want the most?
  4. From the choices below, what job interests you the most?
  5. What is your favorite season?
  6. What word best describes your personality?
  7. What is your favorite number from the choices below?
  8. Where would you rather live?
  9. Would you rather..
  10. Based on the choices below, what day of the week is your favorite?

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Quiz topic: What Chinese God/Goddess am I