What Character from the Keeper of the Lost Cites are you?

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In this quiz, you will experience the wonders of the Lost Cities. The ending result will be one of seven; Sophie Elizabeth Foster, Fitzroy Avery Vacker, Biana Vacker, Dex Dizznee, Keefe Sencen, Linh Song, and Tam Song.

Do you think you know who you might be? Or not? Take this quiz! The final result might not be what you expected, or what you already know. Keep that in mind! Off you go to the Lost Cities!

Created by: Fitz
  1. Who would you most want to be?
  2. Where would you most want to live?
  3. Which is your favorite ability?
  4. Which school would you want to go to?
  5. What is your preferred color of blue eyes?
  6. What is your favorite elvin treat?
  7. What is your favorite hobby?
  8. What would you most want to do?
  9. What would you do if there was a war?
  10. Which book is your favorite?

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Quiz topic: What Character from the Keeper of the Lost Cites am I?
