What Character are you from Fuller House?

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I am Ivy or you can call me ivypants. I am only taking a kind to guess on who you relate to the most on FUller House on this quiz so don't sue me. I am only 11 years old... and plus I only have $88.76 so you wouldn't be getting much...

I love FUller House it is probably my favorite show on Netflix and if you haven't you should definitely watch it!!! ANyhoo, I hope you like the quiz!!!

Created by: ivypants
  1. What would you most describe yourself as?
  2. Which are you?
  3. How old are you?
  4. What job do you have (or want to have when your older)?
  5. What is your dating status?
  6. This doesn't count but have you watched Fuller house?
  7. What color is your hair?
  8. How tall are you?
  9. Do you have that one friend? (you know THAT one?)
  10. This doesn't affect your score but it isn't a quiz without it: WHat is your favorite color?
  11. If your Girlfriend/Boyfriend broke up with you because they thought you were cheating on them (which you weren't) what would you do?
  12. What is your favorite food?
  13. What do you like to do in your free time?
  14. Are you groovy?
  15. who is your favorite character? (doesn't affect your results)

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Quiz topic: What Character am I from Fuller House?
