What are you on the inside?

You may act a certain way around people, but how do you REALLY feel? This quiz finds out how the real you feels about life and how you definitely don't!

This quiz asks about what you'd do in real life situations so it can really judge how you feel. Are you a perfectionist? How about a explorer? Take this quiz and find out!

Created by: Geckogirl260
  1. If you were to go to a concert, who or what would you bring along with you?
  2. What is your ideal vacation?
  3. What's your favorite color?
  4. What's your deep dark secret?
  5. What's your favorite food?
  6. If you went to the mall, what would be the first place you went to?
  7. If you went to Cedar Point, what would be the first ride you would go on to?
  8. What's the square root of 144?
  9. If you had to do a science fair project, what would it be over?
  10. YAY last question!!! What's your favorite holiday?

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Quiz topic: What am I on the inside?