What anime Character are you?

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I might not be correct, please don’t yell at me if I’m wrong.Also please ( not forcing you) coment what you got I will reply to all comments when I get to them.

Thanks, plz folow me on skindex, my username is LunaWolfyy, also my roblox is LunaWolfyy6 :pOwO ......... I also have tictock, 11LunaWolfyy11....... :p OwOI posted this really late at night

Created by: LunaWolfyy
  1. What are you like?
  2. What do you like to do with spare time?
  3. How active are you?
  4. If you could have any power what would it be?
  5. What are you really good at?
  6. What’s you’re favorite animal?
  7. What’s your favorite sport?
  8. I know this is a strange question but it will help decide what anime character you are,....... what anime do you like?
  9. What hair color do you like?
  10. How independent are you?

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Quiz topic: What anime Character am I?
