What animal suits you the best

Do you love animals? What animal would suit you best? This is a fun quiz and it will show you what animal you are similar to. There are 4 popular animals for results that you can get. A cat, dog, horse, and bird.

I promise this is a good quiz and be sure to check out the other great animal quizzes! I recommend commenting on your results and I would love if you can give me some feedback for my next quiz.

Created by: kitcat
  1. Do you trust strangers?
  2. How many friends do you have?
  3. What is your personality?
  4. Do you trust your instincts?
  5. What would you do over the weekends?
  6. Where would you go for vacation?
  7. Do you get bored easily?
  8. Do you like adventure?
  9. What's your favorite animal?
  10. Do you like this quiz?

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Quiz topic: What animal suits me the best
