what animal represents you? (reptiles and frogs)

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hello, this is a personality quiz! you will answer 10 questions to find out if you have a frog personality, a turtle personality, a lizard personality, or a snake personality!

I hope you love this quiz just as much as i loved making it! Tell your friends to take this quiz to ok? this quiz is for fun, if you don't like your answer its just a quiz.

Created by: Willow
  1. what do you do after school?
  2. how many friends do you have?
  3. what clothes do you wear?
  4. where you you feel most comfy?
  5. where do you want to go to on vacation?
  6. whats your favorite animal?
  7. whats your favorite color?
  8. ready for the answers??
  9. fate?
  10. rate the quiz ( wont effect your answer)

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