What animal are you?

Many people wonder what animal they will be cause of here personality lion snake eagle? Your answers will soon be answered,stop womdering now plz take this quiz

In here ull learn what animal u are, lion, snake, eagle, or griffin,take it to find out im just gona do random writing for the rest cause it hss to be 150 petters jk

Created by: metalpelt
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. You habe to do a project at school, would you:
  2. You get into a fight at school would you:
  3. What harry potter spell is your favorite:
  4. Whats your favorite color
  5. Do you hate this
  6. Whats 9 plus 10
  7. Whats your favorite subject
  8. Do you like video games
  9. Whats your favorite website
  10. Is this the last question?

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Quiz topic: What animal am I?