What Americas got talent talent are you best at.

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Dear Guests,I made this quiz for you. First, answer 11 questions. After you answer the questions it will tell the talent. If you want to impress the judges you have to work hard.

You can get a team or a band. You need to do team work orElse you won’t have enough time so there’re needs to be a person that helps fix the problem. The help manager.

Created by: Jakobe Swift
  1. Do you have any other talent?
  2. Do you have any awards for comedy?
  3. Have you impressed someone?
  4. Are you like one of the Judges
  5. What Country Country did you used to live in or still live in it now
  6. Are you a ballerina.
  7. I’m dreaming to become...
  8. Have anything sad happened to you?
  9. Are you like the host.( Terry)
  10. What talent did you have as a kid
  11. Do you play any sports

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Quiz topic: What Americas got talent talent am I best at.
