Warriors Love Story #1

Hello Warriors fans! This is a Warriors love story by yours truly. So, will you choose Cloudsky, Branchpelt, or Shadowstrike? By the way your Rainlily.

I really hope you will enjoy my quiz! It's my first one so yeah... Shadowstrike is a black tom that is bold and serious. Cloudsky is a white fluffy tom that is shy and caring. Branchpelt is a brown tabby tom that is humourous and kind.

Created by: Goldenwhisker
  1. You purr happily as your leader Silverstar gives you your warrior name and the clan chants. "Rainlily! Rainlily!" You notice Branchpelt chanting loudest you think...
  2. When you set out to sit vigil Cloudsky shyly walks up and says "Congrats on becoming a warrior Rainlily." You say...
  3. The next day your deputy Dawnclaw puts you in a hunting patrol with Shadowstrike, Rosepetal, and Tigerscar. You think...
  4. Tigerscar catches a plump mouse, and Rosepetal catches a vole. You are stalking a mouse when suddenly...
  5. When suddenly... A fox comes leaping out of a bush, slashing its claws across your snout. Luckily, Shadowstrike leaps out and helps chase it away, when he sees your snout he licks it and asks if your ok. You say...
  6. You go back to camp with your prey and the medicine cat, Snowleaf, gives you some herbs for the scratch. Branchpelt rushes over to you "Are you ok!?" He looks at your snout in concern. You say...
  7. You go to get some prey when Cloudsky approaches you. "Wanna share..?" He mumbled shyly. You...
  8. After sharing prey with whoever you chose you go check on your mother, who is in the medicine den, then leave the medicine den. Your thinking about...
  9. You go to the warrior den and lay where?
  10. That's all for now! Tell me if I should make part 2!

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