warrior nams part 3 [medicine cat edidion]

hi its me again. I made this quiz because I realized that I made warriors quiz but there were no medicine cats in it so I bring to you Warrior names part 3[medicine cat edition]

all of the cats in this quiz will be part of a new warriors series that I am writing called rising darkness if you want to read it just go to books and search omen of darkness

Created by: Cinderstar_lokigirl
  1. ok jumping straight into roleplay what herb do you use the most
  2. its leafbear and there is a greencough outbreak but your out of catmint! What do you do?!?
  3. a queen is having kits a week early! what do you do
  4. you manage to save the kits but sadly you cant save the queen and their mate is accusing you of murder!!! what will you do!
  5. ok enough roleplay pick your favorite name
  6. pick a pelt
  7. pick a series
  8. are you a tom or a she-cat
  9. pick a season
  10. let fate decide

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