Warrior Cats Roleplay Part 1

I hope u like this! There will be a Part Two coming out soon!Make sure u answer wisely!!!!!!!!! This quiz was created July 26th, 2022. Hope u like my next one!

um i dont know what to say so um im just gonna say random words. warrior cats. food. america. time. shirt. bones. kodiak bear. brown. happy. bite. vase.

Created by: Sunscorch321
  1. ur littermate rosekit just bit ur tail. u....
  2. anyways u go out of the nursery and bump into a good looking cat. u......
  3. before you got the chance to do anything, the tom asks ur name.
  4. anyway ur leader Stumpysatr makes u and ur siter apprentices. Dogbite is ur mentor. When the ceromny is over, the tom you ran into walks over and asks if he can come with u and Dogbite explore the territory. u.....
  5. you come back from exploring the territory and settle in your nest to get some sleep. then, a paw prods you awake. its the cat again. "you wanna come with me?"
  6. whatever you answered, you go with the cat. "btw my names Flamestripe." you stay silent. "where are we going?" you ask. "to meet a friend" he responds. you arrive at the WinClan border and see a dark tabby tom with amber eyes. u think....
  7. anyways, moons pass and by now you are a warrior. Flamestripe walks up to you. "i like u wanna be mates?!?!?!!?" u say....
  8. anyways you mate with Flamestripe. One night you see him sneaking out of camp. you follow him. he's meeting ShadowClans deputy, Flowershine! u.....
  9. anyways he gets exiled. Blackshadow then joins ur clan to mate with u. u have one kit. you name it....
  10. You go on a patrol with Blackshadow and Stumpystar. Suddenly, Blackshadows former mate from WindClan attacks you!!!!! CLIFFHANGER HAHAAHAHAHA

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