Warrior Cats Love Story

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Have you ever were bored on a rainy or sunny day and was like, I need some warrior cat drama and a love story? If you did then you came to the right place!

You are a elegant gray shecat with black ear tips, flecks, and hind paws. You have a white chest, tail tip, front paws, and flecks. You are from Mistclan.

Created by: Flowerstep
  1. Hello! Are you ready to start your adventure? This question doesnt count.
  2. "Wake up, sleepypaws! You are late for the dawn patrol!" A voice hissed in your ear. You blink sleep from your eyes and see the amber eyes glaring at you. "Ok Amberleaf" You growl. "Respect your deputy and get on the dawn patrol!" She hisses. You go to the dawn patrol. "Hello!" A kind voice said. It was Smokefur. "Want to hunt afterward?" Your reply is.....
  3. (You now choose to go) Your back to camp and your about to hunt with Smokefur when Nightclaw walks up to you. Completely ignoring Smokefur he asks "Want to patrol the border together?" Before you get to say anything, Mossheart, who was guarding the Mistclan entrance lets out a shriek. Then a scent poured in your nose; rouges! One lunges at you. You.....
  4. The rouge dodges and slashes your stomach. You fall to the ground, and the world turns black. You wake up to a vision. There was a moon the shape of a star..... It means...
  5. Forgot to ask: are u female or male
  6. You wake up to an emerald green gaze peering at you. You recognize Nettlestar. "Fawnbreaze, can I have a moment alone with Moonstep(u)" He asks. "Sure" Fawnstep meows, her eyes glinting with amusement. "Moonstep, I've been meaning to say this but...." As he was meowing, Nightclaw and Smokefur came in. He continued "Nightclaw will be exciled." "But why" You stutter. "He lead the rouge atack!" Nettlestar growled. "Is this true?" You ask Nightclaw in fear. "Yes." He growls.
  7. "I have a proposal" Nightclaw growled. He lunged at Nettlestar pinning him down. He turns his cold stare to you. "Come with me or he goes to Starclan.
  8. 1 moon later as Nettlestar ) You get on the tall tree and yowl. "Moonstep has been gone to long. It is time to take action"
  9. Back to Moonstep ) You see cats coming close to the rouge camp. My clan! You think. But then they run into a......
  10. I hope you liked this quiz! Please comment and like!

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