Vampire or Were-Wolf?

This quiz is for the people all over America who feel the need to figure out who they really are on the inside. If you are just bored... that is okay too. :P

If you need any help finding your inner self, even if it is The Mighty Lion, The Great Bear, The Shrewd Fox, The Shy Deer, or your inner creativity, try looking for quizzes to find what you are good at or who you really are.

Created by: Ariana Mc.Welder
  1. Quizzes must have between 10 and 60 questions. Got it!What do you prefer eating?
  2. What is your favorite animal(s)
  3. What time of day do you prefer?
  4. If you were alone in the wild, no one watching, what would you do?
  5. What do you do when you get hungry?
  6. If an older kid or adult tries hurting loved ones, what would you do?
  7. What do you do if you get mad?
  8. Does the full moon effect you? (I personally do not believe getting changed at the full moon but others might)
  9. What do you do after school or on vacation?
  10. Do you ever think to yourself, "Man, I hate humans."?
  11. Do you prefer school over play or play over school?

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