Unique Harry Potter Wand Quiz

Are you sick of having the same answers for Harry Potter wand quizzes? Are you original and want more than unicorn hair core, dragon heartstring, or phoenix feather core? Then this quiz is for you!

Only 10 questions and 4 answers, this quiz is going to tell you if you should have a birch wood owl feather wand, maple wood basilisk wand, oak wood, thestral wand, or a cottonwood, hippogriff wand.

Created by: Ravenclaw
  1. What is your worst fear out of these?
  2. Night or day?
  3. What superpower would you like to have out of these?
  4. Black or White?
  5. Fire or Water?
  6. Ice or lava?
  7. Tall, short or average for your age?
  8. Do you care more about... for a wand?
  9. Hair color?
  10. Girl or Boy?

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