true or false: random edition!

just got bored and figured i would make this quiz. honestly kind of a fun idea, who knows if it's original XDalso need to raise my rank to change my pfp haha

guess i have to put smth here- that's a bit annoying :') and i hoped to fill the end with this, so here is one kaimoji that actually worked for you ^^: ☆*:..o(≧▽≦)o..:*☆

Created by: notsoclueless
  1. 1. the earth has over 7.8 billion inhabitants.
  2. 2. newton's law: an object in motion stays in motion unless acted upon by another force.
  3. 3. pi is 3.15159... (etc.).
  4. 4. sharks are mammals.
  5. 5. bats are actually blind.
  6. it takes a sloth 2 weeks to digest a meal.
  7. 7. an ant can lift 1,000 times its own body weight.
  8. 8. an octopus had 7 hearts.
  9. 9. the human eye can distinguish 10 million different colors.
  10. 10. the most common blood type if 0- negative
  11. 11. aladdin's character was based on brad pitt.
  12. 12. toy story was pixar's first movie.
  13. minnie mouse's full name in wilhelmina mouse.
  14. 14. beauty and the beast was disney's first broadway musical.
  15. 15. the letter "t" is the most common in the english language.

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