the very very random quiz 2

There's a lot of funny people out there. Some of the funniest people are also the most random. Funny is also being able to laugh at your own mistakes and pick on yourself... not just other people like some people believe... So the question is are you funny?

Do you think your funny? Do you want to know if you're funny? Are you sure you want to know? Would you date my dog? Well... I think that if you're that desperate then maybe you should take this quiz... Have fun and maybe you'll discover the funny person in you...

Created by: Kari of Cat catch Mouse
(your link here more info)
  1. Where do cows go on vacation?
  2. Would you go on vacation with a cow?
  3. Why did the chicken cross the road?
  4. What did the chicken say to my dog _________ (place name from the very very random quiz here)?
  5. What was the name of my original quiz?
  6. Did you take my original random quiz?
  7. Why did the math teacher cry at the end of the year?
  8. What is green and red and goes 50 miles per hour?
  9. How long was the 100 year war?
  10. How well do you think you scored? I bet you're at least 5% off.

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