The Thomas quiz impossible

This is a quiz to see if you are a really big Thomas fan and I hope you do great!!!You must be a really good Thomas fan if you passed this quiz but it's okay if you're not.

You could be a big Thomas fan or not but it matters that you do your best!I'm sure that you gonna do a really good job on this even if you're not a big fan.

Created by: Percynumberseis
  1. What is the engine who needs peace and quiet?
  2. Who is the engine who hasn't appeared since season 3 but just appeared again?
  3. Who is the crane who originally in the book series didn't talk but now he does talk?
  4. Who is the engine who once had a mustache?
  5. Who was supposed to appear in season 3 but his model was unfiinished?
  6. What was Bear's number
  7. What did James' whistle sound like?
  8. What is the story that wasn't adapted to an episode?
  9. Who told James "BUZZ BUZZ"
  10. Who was planned to be in CGI?

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