The Random Quiz

Are you bored? Do you need some excitement in your life? in order to have fun you must have random and in order to have random you must have a kindergardener.

Can you find the secret code to become a ninga? Oh well, take this quiz and you probably won't find it but you will be RANDOMIZED!!! .

Created by: Hi there
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. How many fish are in the ocean if you are allegic to every thing but seafood?
  2. when I say mouse do you think of:
  3. Why did the chicken cross the road?
  4. Bowties are cool
  5. Where would/will you like to have a honeymoon?
  6. If two sides say one of them always tells the truth and the other always lies and you ask left "if i ask right will it say you lie?" and left replies yes who do you trust
  7. Where were buffalo wings firts made?
  8. What's my favorite color?
  9. Your favorite animal combo?
  10. your beverage sir?

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