The Monopoly Strategy Quiz

There are people who lose too much at Monopoly. Take this quiz and see if you need to read the Monopoly Companion by Mr. Monopoly. Plus, if you score high, you may win more than you lose!

There are 25 questions. Get a high score, and you've earned high honors and you're ready to take on a national champion. Get a good score, you're on your way to becoming a good player! If you get a bad or low score, I suggest you read the Monopoly Companion by Mr. Monopoly.

Created by: Tayne
  1. How many houses should there be in the game?
  2. How many hotels?
  3. A Community Chest card will most likely:
  4. A Chance card will most likely:
  5. The number most frequently rolled on the dice is:
  6. The two least likely numbers to roll are:
  7. How many rolls of the dice are normally required to make a complete circuit of the board?
  8. You own Illinois Avenue. An opponent owns Indiana. You land on Kentucky. Should you buy it?
  9. An opponent owns, States, Atlantic, and Marvin Gardens. Another opponent owns St. Charles and Ventnor. You land on Virginia. Should you buy it?
  10. An opponent owns both States and St. Charles. You land on Virginia. Should you buy it?
  11. You complete your first circuit around the board and land on Income Tax. On your circuit you earned $350 from Chance and Community Chest cards and paid no penalties or rents. Should you pay 10% or $200?
  12. You go to Jail at a time when eight properties remain unsold. No color-groups are completed. Should you pay $50 and get out of Jail on your very next turn, or stay in and just roll?
  13. You go to Jail at a time when all properties are owned and opponents own two complete color-groups. Do you pay $50 on your first turn in Jail or stay in and just roll?
  14. You acquire all the Light Blue properties and form the first complete color-group in the game. You have $450 in cash. What is the minimum number of houses you should buy per Light Blue property?
  15. You have five houses built among the Orange properties and have just acquired the Yellow color-group. You have $450 you wish to spend on houses. How do you spend it?
  16. You have two houses built on each Red property. You can afford to buy just two more houses for this group. Where do you build them?
  17. You have two houses built on each Orange Property. You can afford to buy just two more houses for this group. Where do you build them?
  18. You have three houses each on the Light Blues. You also have enough money to buy Hotels on each property. There are nine houses left in the Bank. One opponent owns the Yellows, the other owns the Greens. Both have decided not to buy houses at this time. What do you do?
  19. Without taking actual money needs into account, rank which property should be mortgaged first.
  20. You're a bright and respected player. You have encouraged an opponent to trade with you. It is early in the game and no color-groups are yet completed. After the proposed trade, you'll end up with the Browns and $900 in cash; your opponent will get the Greens and have $500. Do you accept the trade?
  21. Same situation as in question 20, but this time it is later in the game and each player--you included--has one undeveloped color-group. After the trade, you'll have the Browns and $1600; your opponent will get the Greens and have $1200. Do you make the trade?
  22. It is the middle of the game. A proposed trade will bring you the Greens and give your opponent the Reds. You'll have $1200 to spend on houses and he'll have $1350. Neither of you has another complete color-group. Assuming you buy six houses and he buys nine, which player has the more dominant color-group as a result of the trade?
  23. Which of these properties is likely to be landed on the most in a typical game?
  24. Which color-group is most likely to be landed on in a typical game?
  25. Is it better to own the Orange and three hotels, or the Yellows with three houses each?

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