The Marvel Quiz part 2

So,your back...what has happend?.DIDN'T YOU WATCH THE NEWS? sorry.Its just Thanos he is here somewhere here...Your too late.He has already done it.

Thanos...he wiped out 50% of the world.I think im the last one in this area*looks around*yep i am...,anyway i guess your here for the quiz...OH NO LOOK BEHIND Y-

Created by: JeffMan
  1. In 'Avengers:Age of Ultron' what is Quicksilver's catchprase
  2. Which Marvel character broke the 4th wall in the famous 2016 Marvel movie.
  3. How did Steven Strange get his powers into becoming Doctor Strange.
  4. What did Rocket steal from the Gold Lady that caused a huge fight in the middle of the movie.
  5. What is the name of Peter Parker's/Spiderman's AI in his suite in the 2017,SpiderMan:Homecoming movie.
  6. What year is Ant Man set in
  7. Hard Question:Who wins the Civil War
  8. What happens in the end Of the Thor:Radnorock
  9. Where is Black Panther from?
  10. Last Question:Who quotes:We're in the Endgame now

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