The Adventures At Ericrucxe Part 1

In this adventure, you will make decisions to find out which of the Ericrucxe houses you are in. The other The Adventures At Ericrucxe stories will not be sorting, so injoy this one.

This story is your first year at Ericrucxe. You will face decisions that decides if you are Eaglebeak, Nundusa, Flutterin, or Drakonlitt. Have a great time and injoy! PS:please be truthful.

Created by: Eric Wang
  1. It's summer at Ericrucxe , what do you do?
  2. You see a first year being bullied, what do you do?
  3. What is your fav food?
  4. Fav color combo?
  5. Whats your element?
  6. Fav animal?
  7. You just got your letter that you're invited to Ericrucxe, the best school of Witchcraft and Wizardry, what do you think?
  8. You got your shooping list and is going to buy the required things at Magicy Alley. Where do you go first?
  9. You got your shooping list and is going to buy the required things at Magicy Alley. Where do you go second?
  10. Ok, you got what you needed. Where do you go to relax?
  11. After relaxing, it's time to go to platforms 9 3/4 on the way, what do you think?
  12. While you're on the Ericrucxe Express, which friend do you meet?
  13. The Trolley Witch offers you sweets, witch do you take? (Get it, witch, which?)
  14. Your about to be sorted by the Sorting Flask, what is your thought?
  15. What house do you want to be in?
  16. Humm...Strange... After you drank the sorting potion from the flask, the flask did not tell you your house like the other students. It remained silent. What do you think when it did not say your house?
  17. I guess it will tell you what your house is later, what house do you want to stay in for now?
  18. After the ceremony, it is time for the feast, what food do you eat first?
  19. Your house's (for now) Prefect asks you what your name is and you say ________
  20. The next morning, you headed over to charms class. Today, you are learning to create a spell. The spell that you create will be your signature spell. Which spell do you create?
  21. As you were heading to potions, you are challenged to a duel. Which of your created signature spell do you use?
  22. WOW! After you used your powerful spell on one of your challengers, the others ran away. You look at your watch. Oh no! you are late for potions class! You quickly run to the classroom."Why... are you late?" Quick! What do you say?
  23. Ok... I'll let you off with a warning. If you get 1 question wrong today I'll send you to detention. Do you understand that?
  24. What...does a bezoar do? Professor Serpt asks?
  25. Detention. Serpt says.
  26. After detention, it is time for Defence Against Dark Arts. Professor Quillfed askes you a question that you didn't hear. What do you say?
  27. After you finish Defence Against Dark Arts class, you spotted something, it is a book marked "The Handbook of The Pure-blood Prince" You picked it up, what do you do with it?
  28. At last, your curiosity got the best of you, you bring the book to your next class which is Herbology. Today, we are working with Spiky Bushs. Now, how do we get rid of them. Hey you what is the answer? Madam Lawn asks. You quickly flips to the table of contents, there are catagorys of everything you need to know! You flip to Spiky Bushes. Quick! say an answer!
  29. Can you perform it for us?
  30. You preformed a perfect spell and with a FWOOSH, the plant was destroyed. Good job student! Madam Lawn said. Its now time for tryouts for the quidditch team. What team are you playing for?
  31. What position are you trying out for?
  32. You are buying yourself a broomstick. What kind do you buy?
  33. Congrats! You were selected for the newest position! With this position, you get to do every positions job! (you get to snatch the golden snitch, hit the bludger, block balls from flying into your goal, and score with the Quaffle) Find a way to celebrate!
  34. Its your first big game! Uh oh... You see a budger flying towards you. What do you do?
  35. You spotted the snitch! What do you do?
  36. Oh no the snitch is out of sight! The Quaffle is thrown towards you! You grab the Quaffle and throw it towards the goalpost with all your might. YAY! It went through the goalpost! You scored ten points for your team! The enemy seeker zooms past, it must be the snitch that he is after. What do you do?
  37. For those who decided to hit the bludger at him, you missed. You immediately race after the snitch and caught it! For those who chose to go after the snitch, you caught it! Your team won!
  38. After your big game, you tell your friend about the mysterious book you picked up. Your friend suggests that you throw away the book. Do take his suggestion?
  39. After you hide the book in the room of requirements, the headmaster tells you to follow him. You follow him to his office. He tells you to drink the flask again and think of which house you want to be in. This time the flask spoke: you are in

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