Test for Singapore

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There are many Singaporean geniuses! Do you want to become one? Well this test is the right one for you my friend! Come and enjoy yourself! And become a Singapore Genius!

Singaporean geniuses are pure geniuses! What's a genius you may be wondering? Well a genius is someone who has a awesome brain power! And see's the world in a different way!

Created by: Johnny Low
  1. Where is Singapore?
  2. Is Singapore bigger than Taiwan (In size of the island)
  3. Who was Singapore's first prime minister?
  4. Was Singapore captured in WW2?
  5. Are most of Singaporeans Chinese?
  6. When the British arrived in Singapore in 1819, there was already?
  7. What is the capital of Singapore?
  8. What does Singapore mean?
  9. What is the currency of Singapore?
  10. Which of the following is NOT a official language of Singapore?

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