Sylladex Modi Quiz

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Almost every Homestuck character has a SYLLADEX that they can use to CAPTCHALOGUE items in the game. Each SYLLADEX has a FETCH MODUS, this is how items are organized. All credit for ideas comes from Homestuck, a webcomic by Andrew Hussie:

This test will determine what FETCH MODUS will be best for your SYLLADEX. This test was originally created for people that want to play a homestuck-themed RPG. It's also fun to take, if you like the comic. All credit for ideas comes from Homestuck, a webcomic by Andrew Hussie:

Created by: Chris

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. How organized are you?
  2. Do you believe in fate?
  3. Whats more important: Form, Function, or Meaning? (what it is, what it does, or why)
  4. How do you solve problems?
  5. How do you have fun?
  6. Pick a color.
  7. A man runs by, being chased by an angry crowd. He calls out for help. What do you do?
  8. What's your sign?
  9. When is it OK to cheat?
  10. Last Question. Pick a number.

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