Star signs and astrology

This is just a quiz about the star signs. Just for fun and no need to harm if you dont get everything right. You can take this quiz as often you want.

Please comment if you like theses quiz and if I should to more of them. I think its funny creating quiz but I dont wanna create more if no ones want to take it. So please jjust try this quiz out :)

Created by: Lily Earlens
  1. What of these is a fire sign ?
  2. What planet rules cancer ?
  3. Capricorn is a.......
  4. Wich of these is Air signs ?
  5. What sign is number 7th ?
  6. Venus rules....
  7. Gemini means....?
  8. What descripes Taurus best ?
  9. What is the opposite of Aries ?
  10. Wich of these is not one of the four elements ?

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