Squall, Rinoa, Cloud, or Tifa?

Which character? Tifa? Cloud? Squall? Rinoa? Let's take this quiz and see! Sorry, this is my first quiz, so if it's not very good, then I'm sorry!!!!!

Just remember, these results are not true! (Unless you want it to be). It's just for fun, so please don't take it so seriously! I hope you have a great time, HAVE FUN!!! If you want to contact me, here's my e-mail, [no emails]

Created by: Rotonech :)
  1. What weapon would you use?
  2. Gender?
  3. Final... Fantasy?
  4. Personality... wa
  5. Gil!!!!!
  6. Who would you describe yourself as?
  7. What would you....... wear?
  8. What's your favorite Final Fantasy?
  9. Color plz
  10. idk

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