Sorting Hat Quiz

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Created by: GoRavenclaw!
  1. Which trait relates to you most?
  2. Which element relates to you most?
  3. Which animal relates to you most?
  4. Which color combination relates to you most?
  5. Which Harry Potter character out of these do you like the most?
  6. Would you rather take a day walk or a night walk?
  7. Books or movies?
  8. Golden trio or silver trio? (Golden trio: Harry, Ron, Hermione, Silver trio: Ginny, Neville, Luna)
  9. Which house would you like to live in? (if the links don't work than hold down the key that says command, click c, than open a new tab and click v, also known as copying and pasting)
  10. Which house would you like to be placed in? (the Sorting Hat takes your opinion into count)

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