Smosh Quotes Quiz! :)

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It's a known fact that everybody loves smosh... but what's the difference between just a regular fan and a true smosher? Well, if you're a true smosher, then you should be able to pass this test.

Think you know your smosh quotes? Prove it then! It's simple, I will give you a quote, and you tell me who said it. Easy enough for ya? Good. Now take the quiz.

Created by: Firey_Soul
  1. "Danger is my middle name!" Who said it?
  2. "Shut the f--- up Robbie, before I poop you out!" Who said it?
  3. "Touch my pits!" Who said it?
  4. "What the f---ing frick?!" Who said it?
  5. "You don't understand. If I sober up, then lazers will shoot out of me freakin' eyes!" Who said it?
  6. "I can do cartweel!" Who said it?
  7. "What's a boner? Is this a boner?" "No, that's your bellybutton." Who said it?
  8. "Gay! Why don't you two fairies just get married already?" Who said it?
  9. "Nice watch, gaywad." "Thanks man, it's reptar." Who said it?
  10. "Awww, it's okay, honey. You can try to kill me again tomorrow." Who said it?
  11. "I was gonna ask if you believed in fairies, but if you're going to be a dick about it, then fine!" Who said it?
  12. "I learned how to survive underwater... by holding my breath!" Who said it?
  13. "Don't f---ing touch me!" Who said it?

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