Should you straighten your hair?

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Are you having a bad hair day? I can’t help with that but what I can help with is telling you if and if not you should straighten your hair! Take my quiz to find out and leave a comment about how I helped you and please leave a good rating!

¿Estás teniendo un mal día de cabello? No puedo ayudar con eso, pero en lo que puedo ayudar es en decirte si debes alisarte el cabello y si no. ¡Haz mi cuestionario para averiguarlo y deja un comentario sobre cómo te ayudé y deja una buena calificación!

Created by: Claire211
  1. Do you have curly or wavy hair? If not, wrong quiz.
  2. Have you straightened your hair before or have had it straightened?
  3. If you have, did you like how it looked?
  4. Was it easy or hard?
  5. Do you have a special reason to straighten your hair?
  6. Do you have money for a salon or can you do it yourself or someone to do it for free?
  7. Why do you want to straighten your hair?
  8. Are you prepared for a bad outcome and do you have time to fix it if it comes out bad?
  9. How curly or wavy is your hair?
  10. How much time do you have to straighten your hair?
  11. If you’re not going to a salon, do you have the supplies for the job?
  12. Rate? Comment?
  13. Byeeeeeeeee!

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Quiz topic: Should I straighten my hair?
