Should you shave your head or body?

This is a quiz designed to see what your hair preferences are. Do you shave your head, Get waxed, or Both? OR do you just want some hair, but not a lot? then this quiz is for you.

This is just random giberish, ghukdjfbxhfbdujkhgfrbdjlbfjjkdbljknjkbukjkbrfhdkjnmmdddhdfufjhdcklcdiohfklni;fdaonrnjekmwhbjewklohbewklohbdeskjwodbheskjwlao

Created by: Dograpsbball22
  1. Have you been shaved before?
  2. Have you been Waxed before?
  3. If you were to walk into a salon, and a stylist said "You would be an amazing model! just follow me to start." what would your reaction be?
  4. She leads you to a room and says " Ok, How much hair do you want off of your head? Just a little or a full shave?"
  5. She decides " You know what? you would look amazing without hair!" so she takes clippers and gives you a short buzzcut.
  6. Then she takes a razor, and shaves your head. You are now bald.
  7. Then she leads you to another room. " You will get a wig later if you want one, but for now, its time to get you waxed."
  8. You are waxed completely. At the end of it all, You don't have a single hair anywhere on your body.
  9. You are at your first modeling show and the stylist askes" we can give you a wig or regrow your hair. Which do you want?"
  10. After the show she tells you that you will have to keep doing that stuff until you retire. "But, we can remove a step. What step do you want to get rid of?"
  11. If you got to pick your hair length, What length would you pick?

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Quiz topic: Should I shave my head or body?
