Should you get married?

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Do you think that you should get married? Are you undecided? Take my quiz to find out if finding a boyfriend or girlfriend is really worth finding for you.

Szerinted meg kéne házasodnod? Nem biztos benne? Töltsd ki a kvízemet, hogy megtudd, valóban megéri-e barátot vagy barátnőt találni. (FYI, this is Hungarian!)

Created by: Claire
  1. Do you think you have the time for marriage?
  2. Have you found someone you are willing to marry?
  3. How long have you been searching?
  4. Do you have the money for a wedding?
  5. Have you been divorced?
  6. How many times?
  7. Do they want kids and you don’t or what?
  8. How many times have you broken up with your gf/bf?
  9. Are you happy in your relationships?
  10. Has your bf/gf ever cheated on you?
  11. If so, why?
  12. Do you want to get married?

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Quiz topic: Should I get married?
