sanders knowledge.

this is a sanders sides quis for you and some random words to bring you into this magical world of education and learning. MATHS! jk, it's sanders sides.

According to all known laws of aviation, there is no way a bee should be able to fly. Its wings are too small to get its fat little body off of the ground.

Created by: alex
  1. who is the person that runs sanders sides? first name.
  2. patton sanders is thomas's what side?
  3. logic exists in thomas. what is his name?
  4. everyone has anxiety so what does thomas's anxiety call himself
  5. who does the title deceit/lord of the lies belong to?
  6. there are two creativities within thomas sanders. which are the twins names?
  7. what does the twins represent?
  8. how old is thomas?
  9. birth date?no cheating!
  10. what are the sides?
  11. what is thomas's sexuality?
  12. where does he live?
  13. does thomas sanders look young by the time writing this?13/05/2023
  14. who else is named Roman?
  15. is this the end? choose a fate!

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