rock/punk music quiz

please do good on this quiz or i will hate you,me and keri for alllll my i can't think of anything else to say lol!!well il see you later lol.well maybe not because for all i know you could live in Russia or America and not canada.!

thank you for taking my quiz it dosent mean alot to me which is why i have to write this for extra space forthe minimum typing stuff so whatever probably won't see you later.!bye bye lol just kidding ok bye..for now!!

Created by: Matt
  1. what band is scared of teenagers lol ;)
  2. which band of the following only has 3 members
  3. Which band of the following bassists name is Pete
  4. which band or artist wrote this song: shook me all night long
  5. We are a Toronto area band,we have 4 band members and we use to be called pezz.who are we?
  6. Bless the __________.
  7. which band has a song called drones
  8. lead singer of billy talent doesn't play an instrument in the band other then vocals BUT he can play an instrument which is....
  9. _________-all that ive got
  10. which drummer has multiple sperocis (i think thats how u spell it)
  11. *Last question* what song are these lyrics from: Look into my eyes and its easy to see 1 and 1 make 2 and 2 and 1 make 3

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