random funny quiz

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this is just a random quiz that i made and i guess it's pretty funny........................................................................................................................................................................................................

you can find out just how random you truly are in this quiz............................................................................................................................................................................................................

Created by: Rocky
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. what's your favorite kind of food?
  2. you need a way to solve the problem of being left out often. how would you solve it?
  3. what have you always wanted to be?
  4. pretend you are talking to a little boy and finish the following sentence of what you say to him: YOU ARE
  5. what is your fave color?
  6. what is your lucky number?
  7. what would you do if you were walking down the street and saw a big harry guy?
  8. what is one thing that you don't believe in?
  9. what is you dream?
  10. what is one of your favorite sayings?(it has to be a real one)
  11. if you were a flamingo how many legs would you have?

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