This quiz might be confusing to you due to the title. But we all know that that's what bored typers type; it's when you type all the letters from left to right, bottom to top, on a qwerty keyboard. Can you maybe, possibly guess???.....

Yes! You got it! It's a boredom quiz. Take it to see how bored you are! I feel very sorry for you if you're bored 'cause I know what it's like... I'm bored VERY often... Anyways, PLEASE ENJOY! If you're bored, I hope it helps you get better 'cause boredom SUCKS! Seeya!

Created by: Bored_gurl of Boredest bored-y bored girl
(your link here more info)

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. You have your device out. You type:
  2. How bored would you say you are?
  3. Do you do screen time often?
  4. Choose emotional color (this is not the dreadedly dumb "what's your fav color" question! Don't boo on me >:( kapish?)
  5. Friends?
  6. Meh percentage?
  7. Feelings?
  8. Mish—mash?
  9. Quizzes taken per month?
  10. MY quiz?
  11. Not bored anymore?
  12. Bye
  13. Fate?

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